So, after a lot of thought, and a fair degree of confidence I will be allowed to sell the game on Steam at some point, I’ve decided that I will make a run at releasing at least a few more levels of The Ditty of Carmeana.
I’ve decided to stick with Python and my homemade game engine, while modernizing some things. (I had previously considered porting the game to C# and the Unity engine, but after a little investigation, I decided Python wasn’t so bad. Of note, I learned that many graphically-intensive games only use a relatively small amount of the main CPU since they’re constrained by graphics mostly. If Call of Duty can get away with 50% CPU, The Ditty of Carmeana can get away with Python.) This means that a large effort I was anticipating to port the game isn’t needed.
The only two things I do need to bring The Ditty of Carmeana to reality are:
1. Time, and
2. Artwork that isn’t distractingly bad.
I don’t really even need money. Except, perhaps, to help procure time and art. And time is something I can borrow pretty easily; I’ve been paying forward on it for years.
Artwork is the tricky one. I am sure I could up my level of art to “not pathetic” if I wanted to, but I don’t, and I could spend better time elsewhere. So I am looking either to partner up or subcontract, or both.
I will update this spot as soon as I create my ad.